Indische Gewürze und Spezialitäten
Vinay Vermani, Höltystr. 1, 30171 Hannover, Telefon: +49 511 3631711, Fax: 0511/363 17 14
Öffnungszeiten: Mo. - Fr. 9 - 18:30 Uhr, Sa. 9 - 16 Uhr


Our Shop

Höltystr. 1 / Entrance Marienstraße
D- 30171 Hannover
Phone: 0511 363 17 11
Fax:     0511 363 17 14

Mo - Tue 10 AM - 6.30 PM

Wednesday closed!

Thur - Fr 10 AM - 18.30 PM

Sat. 10 AM - 4 PM


How to get there

Next Cooking class

25 Januar 2025 (no more place)

For further information please call us


About us

Since 1985 we have been managing a shop of “Indian spices and specialities”. Here we endeavour to have all the ingredients available or to make them available quickly.

Especially giving advices is a strong point of us. Concerning recipes, suggestions for menus and arrangements of celebrations with vegetarian, non-vegetarian or ayurvedic aspects you can gladly address to us. Referring to indigestibility diseases we have practical knowledge too and are pleased to counsel you.

At irregular intervals we offer cooking-courses. Mostly they are based on how to prepare a complete Indian-menu but sometimes we also deal with single themes like “snacks”.

We have made a lot of experiences in gastronomy and would like to assist you. If you want to open an Indian restaurant we can help by advising you and also by starting projects of interior decoration provided that you give enough time for planning and preparing.

It is our object to have a look at India not isolated from its culinary part. We are fond of giving cultural information, to draw your attention to Indian festivals, also little travel tips you can get from us. A lot of information about lectures, films, musical events you get via direct link to the Indo - German - Society - Hannover.